Monday, June 30, 2008

Pixar Animation: A restrospective

Oh, I am so excited! Wall-E hits theaters tomorrow. I wish there was some sort of giant hat that looked like the little robot that I could wear when I see the movie; that's how totally stoked I am for this flick. Why? 2 reasons. I like the general premise of the film; a robot all alone on a garbage inhabited Earth; a film with almost no dialogue. It's an odd premise, but it sounds cool. The second reason I'm excited for this movie? It's PIXAR!! Pixar, the company single handedly saving animation from becoming the dreaded scum of cinema; since Toy Story, the only animated film I've seen that can hold a candle to a Pixar movie is Dreamworks' Kung Fu Panda.

All of the Pixar movies rock, some of them being among my favorite films of all time. You can rank some of the Pixar movies with the best animated classics from the days of Walt himself; since Toy Story, the only animated film I've seen that can hold a candle to a Pixar movie is the recent Kung Fu Panda. Kids love them, teenagers love them, adults love them, and critics have an unbridled fascination with them.

Today, we're going to take a look at the studio's films, ranking them from best to worst; of course, the worst Pixar movie is still incredible filmmaking. Joining me near the end of this retrospective is guest critic Thomas Lack, with his own choice on how the list would go. So grab your Buzz Lightyear action figure and get ready for a trip down animation-memory lane!

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