Sunday, June 1, 2008

Animation film festival held in Kolkata

Kolkata, May 31 (IANS) The Maya Academy of Advanced Cinematics (MAAC) organised here a day-long animation film and education festival - Srijon (creation) 2008. “The festival is organised to highlight the creative genius of the Kolkata animators. We are showcasing not only short films made by the MAAC students, but also budding animators across the city,” MAAC president Atul Vohra said Friday.

MAAC is Hindi film producer-director Ketan Mehta’s animation and visual effects training institute.

Though not present at the festival, Mehta said through video conferencing: “It is only through animation and visual effects that we can literally mix technology and creativity to portray our dreams in reality. A few years back animation stood for cartoon films while visual effects were only used in science fiction films. But now almost every Hindi film needs visual effects to get the desired background.”

The making of his film “Mangal Pandey-The Rising” was shown to the animators.

“The entire film has vast use of visual effects. Most of the forts, temples and the recreation of heritage buildings like the Calcutta High Court, Fort William and Writer’s Buildings were results of fine animation and visual effects,” said Mehta.

Technical director of Oscar winning Hollywood film “The Golden Compass” V.K. Gupta gave tips to the animators on animation production.

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