This year marks the centenary of the first animated film in the world. Fantasmagorie, a two-minute hand-drawn film by Emile Cohl, was screened in a Paris theatre in August 1908. Now 100 years later, at the world’s largest animation film festival at Annecy in France, it is the turn of India to take the centre-stage.
The ‘country of focus’ at the 32nd edition of the Festival International du Film d’Animation d’Annecy held in this town with a view of the French Alps, is India. The festival’s artistic director Serge Bromberg wore a kurta and pyjama to the opening ceremony of the six-day event on June 9 to announce the arrival of India on the global stage of animation. “India is going to become a big player in animation,” says Bromberg, who is still wearing a kurta, nearly a week after the inauguration.
There are visible signs of Bromberg’s optimism at the festival too. Sharing screen with full-length animated films like the France-Germany-Israel co-production Waltz with Bashir, which won the hearts at Cannes Film Festival last month with its balanced narrative of the Sabra and Chatila massacre of September 1982, is Return of Hanuman, only the second Indian animated feature film after Hanuman.
“Annecy is the Cannes of animation. It’s a big honour for India to be the country of focus here. But it’s only a first step,” says Mohammed Bendjebbour, who heads the French TV and Film Office in Mumbai. The focus last year was on Benelux countries, the next being Germany in 2009.
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The ‘country of focus’ at the 32nd edition of the Festival International du Film d’Animation d’Annecy held in this town with a view of the French Alps, is India. The festival’s artistic director Serge Bromberg wore a kurta and pyjama to the opening ceremony of the six-day event on June 9 to announce the arrival of India on the global stage of animation. “India is going to become a big player in animation,” says Bromberg, who is still wearing a kurta, nearly a week after the inauguration.
There are visible signs of Bromberg’s optimism at the festival too. Sharing screen with full-length animated films like the France-Germany-Israel co-production Waltz with Bashir, which won the hearts at Cannes Film Festival last month with its balanced narrative of the Sabra and Chatila massacre of September 1982, is Return of Hanuman, only the second Indian animated feature film after Hanuman.
“Annecy is the Cannes of animation. It’s a big honour for India to be the country of focus here. But it’s only a first step,” says Mohammed Bendjebbour, who heads the French TV and Film Office in Mumbai. The focus last year was on Benelux countries, the next being Germany in 2009.
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