Sunday, June 22, 2008

Create Special Effects in PowerPoint

Liven up those PowerPoint presentations with a few simple animation tricks.

Adding animations to your PowerPoint slide show can perk up your presentation, not to mention your audience members. Here are a few quick and easy tricks for jazzing up those slides.

Right on Target

Here's an idea for a simple and effective slide animation: Have an arrow move in from the left side of the slide to strike a target at the right side. To draw a target (if you can't find one you like in ClipArt), draw a series of ovals, each one larger than the other. You don't have to draw them concentrically; you can take care of that later. In fact, it will probably be easier to draw them side by side. For each oval, select a fill color (the Fill Color button is the one that resembles a bucket of paint being poured out).

Now press Ctrl-A to select all the ovals. Next, choose Draw, Align or Distribute, Align Center and then choose Draw, Align or Distribute, Align Middle. This should create an object resembling a target. You'll need to click the largest oval and choose Draw, Order, Send to Back. You'll also have to click each oval and choose an order for it to make the target look right. This procedure may be a bit tedious, but don't give up--it can be done. When you're finished with this, choose Draw, Group to turn the group of ovals into a single drawing.

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