Wednesday, April 2, 2008

So you think you want to be a...Graphic designer

What is it? The theory is that graphic design is a fully paid-up member of the Creative Industry; that graphic designers are kept fresh, challenged and creative. That it breaks free from the norms of a regular job.

The reality is slightly different. Like most jobs there are mundane tasks and constant deadlines.

In its simplest form the job can be described as 'the practice or profession of designing print or electronic forms of visual information, as for an advertisement, publication, or website.'

Graphic designers work with advertising agencies, printing press companies, animation houses, studios and publishers to optimize the layout of text and images. Go look at any billboard, logo, brochure or newspaper and you'll see the final work of a graphic designer.

Typically they sit above an art worker (a dogsbody assistant) but below a Creative Director (in charge of the overall look and theme). They may work within a design framework laid out by the Creative Director, but there is a degree of individual design work required: stifling these creative types ain't good.

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