Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Finding genuine talent is Indian animation’s biggest challenge

Even three years ago, who would have thought that Maya Entertainment Ltd, one of India’s oldest animation studios, was poised to become a Rs 100-crore company? And that the company will release at least two films each calendar year post-2010? If all goes well, the company may plan an IPO in the next two-three years. Ronald D’Mello, the new managing director of Maya, shared all this and more in a candid interview with Pritha Mitra Dasgupta. Excerpts:

Why did you leave UTV for Maya?

Being at the strategic helm of a diversified media company for 15 years, I felt the need to get involved in something more focused and, hence, the move.

What was your primary mandate at Maya?

The primary mandate was to drive Maya towards its true potential. Maya looked to me like an entity, which had the potential, and my mandate was to identify and ignite this potential.

What were the reasons for restructuring the organization?

There were some fundamental hygiene issues that needed to be set right, which led us to ensure that some executives exit the company. We also terminated some franchisee operations of the company on the education side. This was necessary to build a transparent and empowered organisation without which no business can expect to have all-round growth. Secondly, my study on Maya’s historical evolution led me to believe that the company was always short of its real potential because of a lack of clear focus on each of its activities. Hence, we restructured the organisation in three clear verticals—education, services and own intellectual properties (IPs).

What are the basic differences you observed in the work processes/culture in UTV’s animation division and in Maya?

I think Maya had the legacy of stalwarts like Ketan Mehta and, hence, the overall creative backbone of Maya’s animation was superior to that of UTV. Apart from that and some culture differences that are peculiar to a corporate entity versus a personality driven business situation, it was all the same.

What is the current revenue and compounded annual growth rate of the company?

Maya’s combined revenue for 2007-08 would be about Rs 100 crore, majorly contributed by its education vertical. While the education side of the business will see robust growth year-on-year, the services and own IP segments will see multiplying growth for the next few years, as we have been able to energise these verticals significantly during the last six months.

Source : http://www.financialexpress.com/

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