Wednesday, April 16, 2008

China making breakthrough advances in animation industry

In 2007, the nationwide broadcasting and film system achieved remarkable achievements in terms of production quantity, art quality, production technology, broadcasting effect, and industrial structure of domestically produced animation products.

Statistics show that in 2007, altogether 186 domestically produced animations with the total broadcasting time of 101, 900 minutes were produced in China's 16 provinces or by China Central Television (CCTV), up 23 percent year on year. The animation production institutions in Hunan Province ranked first in China in terms of production output. All the year-on-year growth margins for the volumes of domestically produced television animations produced in such provinces and municipalities as Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Chongqing also amounted to over 20 percent year on year respectively. 34 TV channels for children and 4 animation channels have become a major platform to promote the healthy development of the domestic animation industry with a total animation broadcasting time of around 8,000 minutes each day. The channel for children of CCTV spent 65,000 minutes on the first broadcast of domestically produced animations each year with a fast growth of the channel's viewership proportion, the effective landing of the channel increasingly expanded and its scale of viewers exceeded 600 million in number.

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