Chetan Deshmukh, who was the sole animation and special effects expert for Hollywood movies like Chicago and Shanghai Knights, recently shifted his base to Pune from the US. What attracted Deshmukh to Pune was the fact that the city was “emerging” as the new hub for animation and gaming industry. It’s not only Deshmukh who thinks on these lines. Anirights Infomedia of Reliance Group and Anibrain Digital Technologies have also chosen to house their expansion projects in Pune.
In fact, many of the gaming and animation studios have decided to either move from other cities to Pune or to set up their expansion projects here. After IT and auto, it is probably time for animation and gaming industry to grow many folds in Pune. What the IT industry achieved in 11 years in Pune — five billion dollar business per year — the animation and gaming industry is expected to achieve it in six years, say industry experts.
The latest addition to boost this boom is the Mahratta Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture (MCCIA) which has started talking to some of the industrialists to encourage them to reserve some special economic zones (SEZ) for animation and gaming industry.
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In fact, many of the gaming and animation studios have decided to either move from other cities to Pune or to set up their expansion projects here. After IT and auto, it is probably time for animation and gaming industry to grow many folds in Pune. What the IT industry achieved in 11 years in Pune — five billion dollar business per year — the animation and gaming industry is expected to achieve it in six years, say industry experts.
The latest addition to boost this boom is the Mahratta Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture (MCCIA) which has started talking to some of the industrialists to encourage them to reserve some special economic zones (SEZ) for animation and gaming industry.
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