Thursday, August 21, 2008

Intel, DreamWorks Team On 3-D Animation Technology

Movie studio DreamWorks on Wednesday debuted at the Intel (NSDQ: INTC) Developer Forum what it calls a "revolutionary" technology in creating 3-D animation films.

While 3-D films have been around since the '50s, Jeffrey Katzenberg, chief executive of DreamWorks, told IDF attendees that the studio's InTru 3-D technology, built on Intel hardware, is nothing like before. "This isn't your father's 3-D," he said.

To prove his point, Katzenberg showed a clip of the popular film Kung Fu Panda that had been redone in 3-D. "What you're about to see will never be publicly distributed, but I hope it will give you some idea what 3-D is all about," he said.
The vivid imagery and 3-D affects appeared to wow the crowd watching the clip through polarized glasses on a rolled-out screen large enough for any major theater. Later in the program, Katzenberg debuted a clip of the upcoming animation film Monsters Vs. Aliens, which opens March 27.

Katzenberg appeared on stage with keynoter Renee James, VP and general manager of Intel's Software and Solutions Group. The mogul said that, starting next year, the studio would offer all its animated films in 3-D, starting with Monsters Vs. Aliens. In addition, Katzenberg said such influential directors as James Cameron, Peter Jackson, Steven Spielberg, and Robert Zemeckis had committed to making 3-D films.

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