Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Indian animation: Future bright

Today Indian animation companies are doing feature films, commercials and TV series work that aspire to international standards. However, the company is only as good as the artists it employs. So good, well trained animation professionals find themselves in high demand.

The Animation industry in India has grown exponentially over the last few years. What is more remarkable is that even with this rapid growth India still represents only a small portion of the world animation pie! That means there are still lots of opportunities for Indian animation to grow.

What is it going to take for animation to come of age in India? Production of original content.

Animation is an extraordinary means of telling a story. What one can achieve in animation is the ability to strip away all the unnecessary details so the story can be presented in its purest form. Here is where the secret of animation’s appeal lies. This is why people remember good animation movies even decades after they first saw them.

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