Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Animators form 'holy alliance'

BAGUIO CITY, Philippines--Animation used to be big business in the '80s until computers made it almost impossible for Filipino cartoonists and animators to compete with India and Korea.

But after a 20-year hiatus, investors are now building animation schools in different parts of the country to train computer-savvy Filipinos so they can again capture outsourced contracts from Hollywood and major American production outfits like Walt Disney or Warner Bros.

CSDA Graphics and Animation Inc., the first animation studio setup in this city last year, wrote its own programs for virtual motion capture and computer puppetry to compete for major projects, says Raul Boncan Jr., the firm's owner.

But what may truly bring major international animation outfits back to the Philippine doorstep is a business model that would soon guide most Filipino animators, Boncan says.

Almost every animation outfit in the country, from Luzon to Mindanao, has joined a "holy alliance" of experts who would share studio contracts, he says.

This is a form of domestic outsourcing, "or insourcing, if you will," Boncan says, and it may just redefine how business is done in the Philippines.

The business process outsourcing (BPO) trade has helped develop a profitable pool of independent Filipino contractors who service almost every imaginable work field from medicine to hotel bookings and accounting, he says.

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