Monday, July 9, 2007

Convert Visitors Into Customers With Animation

Part of having a successful website is having the ability to get traffic to your site. But there’s more to it than that. You need to be able to turn visitors into customers which means you have to stay one step ahead of the competition. Good news! You can convert visitors into customers with animation.

Animation is a moving image also referred to as streaming video. These files are sent in a compressed format across the net and then displayed on the visitors system when they arrive at your site. Streaming video is animated pictures, and steaming media is animated pictures with sound.

The key to streaming video or media is that the visitor isn’t left waiting for a large file to download before they can view it. Instead it is sent in a continuous stream, thus the name “streaming,” and as it is arrives on the viewers screen it is played.

The only thing the visitor needs to view is it a program that can uncompress the data and then send it to the viewer. There are plenty of free programs available like Media Player or Quick Time.

Now that you know how it works, bet you are wondering what’s so great about animation and that can convert your visitors into customers. You can make your web site stand out from the crowd for just cents on the dollar.

Streaming video gives you credibility. It’s easy to type up a page of text, add a few graphics, and produce a web site. But adding animation takes a little more time and people find that credible. In fact surveys have shown that visitors associate streaming media with large corporate sites which they are more willing to purchase from.

25% of all visitors are auditory and either have limited reading skills or simply don’t like to read. By adding animation and audio you can capture that portion of the market and turn these visitors into customers.

We’ve all heard one of those ad jingles that sticks in our head and we just can’t get rid of it. That’s what streaming media can do for you. If your visitors remember who you are they are more likely to come back and visit again.

Animation captures the visitors attention. And when you capture their attention they stay on your site longer. The longer they stay the more likely they are to make a purchase. Web owners use PPC to advertise and there’s no question that this form of advertising can get traffic to your site but unless you can get them to stay awhile you PPC money is wasted.

The times they are a changing, in fact they are changing so rapidly that sometimes it’s hard to keep up. Your visitors computers are capable of viewing multimedia and that’s what they expect. They want to be entertained.

Currently under 30% of all web sites utilize animation of any kind and less than 10% utilize animation and video together. That means when a visitor hits your site they’ll be impressed. “Wow check out this site and see what it does.” This word of mouth between friends increases your traffic and gives you the opportunity to convert them to paying customers.

Every year the web surfer becomes more web savvy. As there skills increase, and the computer equipment they buy gets better and better, they expect more from a web site. They want to be entertained, they want interaction, they want your site to be different and give them a reason why they should spend their money there.

Animation combined with steaming video is not necessarily new but until recently was too expensive for the average web site. Now it’s becoming affordable with many companies offering software that will do the job.

So why not stay ahead of your competition and convert visitors into customers with animation.

Deon Melchior is the Editor and Publisher of Article Click. For more FREE articles for your ezine and websites visit

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