Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Benefits of Stock Animation

Does your company need help with an animation project? Stock animation can help. Stock animation is used primarily on the web and on TV. They are used to present information, to entertain and to keep the viewer interested in what is happening. They are used across many industries from news organizations to engineering firms. Because of the great need for animations many companies have begun to sell stock animation to help streamline the creative process.

Most animation projects are time intensive and require a lot of creative thought and energy. Stock animation help reduce the time, thought and energy that is needed for a project. Stock animation is often used as a starting place for the animator. The animator will then build on the animation to get the desired result. Stock animation is also used as a background for other creative elements. Suppose that you want to make your own DVD. Do you have the skills to make a quality animation for the background? If not you could use a stock animation to help make your DVD look like it was professionally done. Stock animations can be used as backgrounds to make on screen text more interesting. News companies use this all of the time to make plain text more interesting.


Stock animation comes in several different formats. Each format is suited for a different purpose.

Animated Gifs

Gif stands for graphics interchange format. These are the small and often annoying animations that you see on web pages. You can find thousands of stock animations in this format for free download on the internet. The quality of these animations is usually very poor as they were designed to be compact for use on the internet. Generally you should stay away from this type of animation, except for a very few cases, as they often annoy the user.

Flash animation

Flash animation is the most versatile of all the formats as they can easily be converted for use on TV or DVD. Flash uses vector graphics which means it stores most of the information about the animation as a mathematical formula instead of pixel by pixel, frame by frame. This is useful because it can be scaled easily to fit any size that is needed. Stock animation for Flash is harder to find and will usually cost money. However, they can save a lot of time.

Composite animation

Composite animations are created by combining several different animated elements together to create the finished product. These animations tend to be very high quality and very visually appealing. They are often used for TV because of their high quality. You will almost always pay a premium price for these animations. But, you will get what you paid for. Composite stock animation can give your project a very professional and creative look very quickly.

Each stock animation format has its use. The type of project will determine the best type of stock animation. If used wisely, stock animation will save time and energy. Stock animation will also give your projects the professional look that you want.

Justin Grover- 10xMarketing � More Visitors �More Buyers �More Revenue, if you would like to find quality stock animation for Flash please visit Cartoon Solutions.


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