Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Toonz Academy bullish on Chinese animation market

Thiruvananthapuram-based training institute in 2D and 3D animation, Toonz Academy, sees vast opportunities in the niche Chinese market, which holds a $10-billion potential for animation training.

"Animation as an opportunity is enormous in the Chinese market place with huge scope to provide broad-based industry-academia related curricula for students. We intend to tap into this emerging market, which no institution has entered so far, and have already initiated discussions with the Chinese government in this regard," Ramaprasad S, executive director of Toonz Academy, said here on Wednesday.

The academy had recently signed MoUs with various Chinese universities including the Beijing University, Shengyang University and Dalian University to start centres of excellence in animation. As part of this, a student exchange programme will facilitate 50 Chinese students to study in India from this August.

"We will devise a six-month course in classical (2D) and 3D animation after which we will design a two-year programme as per the Chinese industry requirements, before introducing a three-year BS degree in digital animation in affiliation with the European Carolus Magnus University by the next academic year," he said.

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