Friday, July 3, 2009

Animation Festival to Be Held News

The fifth edition of Anifest India, an annual international animation festival organized and promoted by The Animation Society of India (TASI), is slated to be held from August 13-16, 2009 at the IIT Powai campus in Mumbai.

Anifest India brings together some of the world's best animation directors, technicians and several international animation stalwarts under one roof. Some of the speakers at this year's event include MTV India's Piyush Raghani; Manish Sherawat and Sheetal Sudhir of Channel [v]; VCL's Bill Miller; Krishnakant Mishra of Sony ImageWorks; and Nate Wragg of Pixar.

Some of the topics for discussion at Anifest India 2009 include Art direction and pre-production, Principles of animation in 2D & 3D, VFX: Behind the Scenes, Career options, Comic Art, Graphic Novels, Character Animation and Story-Telling, Creation and Marketing of IP, Art of Voicing for Animation, Animation for tele channels, and Animation Production Management, to name a few.

Anifest India 2009 has targeted students to creative heads of organizations to enthusiasts looking to get a comprehensive in-depth understanding about the various stages involved in creating an animation film from concept to completion.


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