Thursday, June 11, 2009

Will the best animated movie of the year be ... 9?

Most animated films seem to be cut from the same cloth. This decade has seen an abundance of movies starring anthropomorphic animals and robots making cutesy pop culture references and singing songs. Pixar is the lone animation studio that strives to inject something original and fresh into their films, but even they end up making movies about talking cars and cute characters. And animated features like Waltz With Bashir are so unique that they are singular, only being made and released once every few years, and by dedicated people with a real passion for their work. Otherwise it's all a bunch of Hoodwinkeds, Delgos and Bee Movies (for the record, I like Bee Movie. But it's nothing special).

So when something like 9 comes around (not to be confused with the upcoming non-animated Daniel Day-Lewis starring musical film Nine), it might be worthwhile for you to check it out. That is, if you want studios to continue making interesting and unique movies.

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