Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Special Effects Animation - Digital Computer Animation

Movies would not be movies today without special effects animation. Special effects animators and multimedia artists are the ones that make the magic of the movies. They are responsible for the special effects that make movies so different from stage dramas.

Special effects animators must create whatever the director and the script call for. They can make a superhero man fly, sink ships into the sea or a make a monster bigger than a skyscraper. Now, digital computer animation is taking on a huge role in motion pictures and other media.
Getting Started in Special Effects Animation
In earlier times, people broke into the film industry by working as errand-runners or stagehands and working their way up into the job they wanted.

But today, because of the specialized computer skills necessary in special effects animation, you cannot just work your way up into the job you want. You must have training in special effects animation.

A university degree in animation is probably the best way to get into the field. Many universities offer degrees in animation, or they offer animation as a subcategory of illustration, design or even film technology.

However, if you have training in animation and would like to move into special effects animation, the best way to do that is to brush up on your computer skills and apprentice for someone working in the position you are interested in. There are courses available which can help you accelerate your career in special effects animation.

Your Future in Special Effects Animation

Special effects animation is a competitive area, and you must be at the top of your field to get the best jobs. If you have adequate education and skills, however, you will be at a great advantage as you search for a job in special effects animation.


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