kolkata: arena multimedia launched the second in its series of animation academies here on saturday to tap the burgeoning domestic and export market of animation content production for television and film. "from films to short television format and the new requirements of the web, two- and three-dimensional animation production for digital entertainment is emerging as a huge market in china, korea and india," said head of arena multimedia, sudhir mathur. quoting a recent study by andersom consulting which projected that the $550-million indian animation industry would grow at 30 per cent per annum in the next three years, he said the business was expected to reach $15 billion by 2002. "while the global digital animation industry is poised to grow from the current $25 billion to a whopping $70 billion by 2005, india would receive more than $2 billion in animation businesses," he observed. with western giants ilm and disney planning to set shop in india to produce animation films and movies, the field would be one of the fastest-growing it segments, he said, adding arena's mission was to create a pool of multimedia professionals. the animation academy, second after mumbai in a series of 20, would offer three- to seven-month courses costing between rs 30,000 and rs 60,000 on 3d and animation, audio-video editing and special effects.
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