Wednesday, November 28, 2007

'Enchanted' brings heart of animation to life

There are many things that are magical about "Enchanted," not the least of which is that it holds your attention from beginning to end.

The story begins with Giselle, the fair maiden of the enchanted — and animated — land of Andalasia, who falls in love with the handsome Prince Edward. But when the two are to wed, the wicked Queen Narissa bans Giselle to a place where "happily ever after" doesn't exist: the bustling, harsh streets of New York City.

What ensues is an extremely comical combination of every animated Disney movie ever made. The wicked queen tries to poison Giselle with an apple, and Giselle enlists the help of the local animals (which in New York includes a variety of vermin) to clean an apartment.

As Giselle waits for her prince to come rescue her, she meets the very handsome (and very cynical) lawyer, Robert, and the fair maiden is forced to face the realities of love in the real world.

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