Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Protecting flash source code

SWF Protect v1.6

No artist whether a singer, painter or even a writer likes to have his/her work stolen and reproduced with minor changes and then claimed as an original by the unscrupulous usurper. But at least in the real world, brick and mortar environment, an artist can at least get his grievances addressed, and get duly compensated for his or work. There are pretty stringent laws like intellectual property rights to that protect works of art and culture against plagiarism and theft. So some policies and laws are there to protect the works of artists and musician, which makes plagiarists and copycats a little weary of stealing works of other people.

But this however, is restricted only to the offline environment. Log onto to the net, and you will realize the absolute wilderness you have entered. The rich bounties information and art are there for the taking. It's a complete free for all and nobody gives a damn, as to whose work he is lifting. Downloading images and animations form the net is as easy as 1-2-3…. So there nothing one to protect his/her works. Legally speaking, there is very little one can do to protect his or her prized works. So if you are so keen to protect your creations, then just keep them away from the net. But by doing this, you will be effectively depriving millions of people from appreciating your talent. Appreciation that could have earned you thousands perhaps hundred of thousands in income, the problem here is that by displaying your work on the net, makes it vulnerable to theft.

So if you have designed an excellent flash based site or beautiful animation to drive up the amount of traffic to your website, it won't take long for crooked souls to steal your flash source make a few minor changes and pander them as their own. There's nothing you would be able to do prevent the travesty. With flash decompiling software programs so easily and readily availing, even a complete novice can rob you of your creations and your countless hours of hard labor, money and talent will be drained away in a jiffy.

But there are a few things you can do to protect your flash animations. All you have to do is to encrypt your animations in such a way, that they can't be decompiled and reused. For doing this, you can use the SWF Protect v1.6. It's a powerful and unique software that will encrypt your flash pages so perfectly that any attempt to download and reuse it will be thwarted. Moreover, encrypting an average flash file takes little less than ten seconds

It's very easy to use the software. And once you have encrypted your flash animations and images, you can upload them on your website, without any fear of them being lifted or stolen. It's practically impossible to lift flash images that have been encrypted with SWF Protect v1.6. Anybody who tries to use decompiling software will only down a pile of utter gibberish and nonsense; which will be absolutely of no use to them whatsoever. With this software you can easily beat powerful and commonly used decompilers like ASV 5.21, SWF Decompiler 3.6 Build 70208, Imperator °FLA v3.5.1 and several others. SWF Protect v1.6. is perfectly compatible Macromedia Flash 8. It is truly an amazing software, priced so modestly that you won't have to think twice, before purchasing them.


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